U - u


V. Cause to grow.


V. 1 • To be born; jnm lenA, pedA xonA. tasa put ubuji aaw. His son was born.

2 • To sprout; ko~pl pxuoTnA. te somo niamat ubuji shian. Besides this, the crops have sprouted. Variant: upujik.


N. Lineage, descendants. Syn: mizharo.


V. 1 • To blow; clnA (hoA). osi sirã' bhay ubunaw. Last night the storm blew. Actor: sirã' wind; bhay breeze.

2 • To blow about in the wind; hoA me~ uRnA. d'aranas ruaw gond bat asta ubunin. In front of the mud slide sticks and stones also blow about.

ucal'ik batya   

N. Young goat sacrificed before taking herds to mountains in the summer. Restrict: This seems to have something to do with the following Uchaw Festival.


N. Festival of harvest in August; fWl ke kATne kA bRA thoAr. In this festival cheese is brought from the pastures. A ceremony is held at the altar of mahandeo. Dancing and singing goes on until dawn. Gen: khawsãgaw festival.

ucaw mastruk   

N. August, the month of the Uchaw festival; fWl kI kTAI ke thwAr kA mhenh, agst kA mhynh. Whole: nel'a summer.

uchui dyek   

V. To leak (of roofs); (cxt kA) TpknA. may dura uchui dyel day. phaw kam shiaw. My house is leaking. The roof clay has become thin. Syn: s'is'irik, shondik, dzazik, curu'ik.


V. 1 • To take down, cause to descend; nece utArnA.

2 • To harvest fruit; pxl utArnA. Apples, grapes, pomegranates, pears, apricots are harvested like this. Instr: baza hand. baza gri chini uchunden. They harvest by breaking off by hand.


V. Descend (of animate beings or water); utrnA. uchunda e. Greetings! (lit: Did you come down?). Reversive: us't'ik to ascend.


N. Bosom, cradled arms; god.

uchunyak karik   

V. To carry something or someone upright in one's arms against the body; god me~ lenA. a batyayk uchunyak kai sonay nim, ne pe abaaw haw. I will carry a small kid in my arms to the mountain farm if he cannot walk by himself. See: kus'ki dyek; kul'im karik. Gen: harik take.


N. Nettle; bicxoA. Urtica dioica, family Urticaceae. ucumanyak gri tay l'a'im. I'll beat you with nettles. Gen: mut' plant.


V. To attach the yarn strands onto the heddle shaft of a loom; dxAgh bnne ke lee lpyTnA. kus'pik ucunik bas'. The heddle shaft must be fitted with the yarn strands. Object: kus'pik heddle shaft.


Adj. Mentally alert, quick, intelligent, active; cust. Syn: hushiar, caspan, d'int'a, zehenwal'a, kabil, t'õcuk, t'and'arak, cimt'a, ãgar bat'i; Ant: bey-akul.


N. Waterfall; AbSAr.

uc'har dyek   

V. 1 • To flow over a waterfall; AbSAr grnA. ug uc'har dyai, pariu day. The water is flowing over the waterfall.

2 • To overflow, to weep; (Anso) grnA. kacend'uk tsipim day e, ecay pai, astru uc'har dyel day. When I am cutting onions up, they go into my eyes and my eyes water.


V. 1 • To spray solution on crops, to throw out a liquid, to pour out liquid or solid; grAnA.

2 • To scatter seed or other things; bkxyrnA. Syn: uzakik.

uc'ho'a hik   

V. To stand up on the hind legs; bkrI kA apnI TAnge~ aTxA kr shAre pr sIdxA kxRA honA. uc'ho'a thi pay prost karin. The goats are standing on their hind legs (to get leaves). Variant: ic'ho'a hik.


V. To spread out or spill things. Restrict: Things that can be spread out are walnuts, jujube, apricots and the like..


V. To tear, rip something; pxARnA. se piran udhal'i aaw. He has torn his shirt. tu may ne jhonis. a tay udhal'im. You don't know me; I'll tear you apart. Syn: utrakik.


V. To tear apart, to rip, to split; pxTnA. tasa piran udhul'una. I heard his shirt ripped. mut' udhul'i shiaw. The tree is split apart. Syn: utrukik; Caus: udhal'ik.


N. Dust; grdo GbAr. may dur udhũ' thi shiaw. s'õs'kik bas'. My house has become dusty, I must sweep it. dur kari, mic o udhũ' udriman atiu. Close the door, otherwise the dust will come in. Syn: get, khatur.


V. To throw dust, ashes or dirt.

udria    se udria hikas bati nis'an hiu.


Adv. Inside; andr. se tara pai mail'a ki, may udriman ikas hatya jazat shiaw e, ne? She went there and said, "Do I have permission to come inside?" CPart: bian outside; Syn: udrumanyak.


Adv. Inside. Syn: udriman.


V. To frighten and cause to run away; DrAkr bxgAnA. grast pay udrusel. A wolf will frighten and scatter the goats.


V. To be frightened and run away; Drkr bxAgnA. pay udrusin. wal'moc te sariel day. The goats are afraid and scatter apart. The shepherd is gathering them together. Past(hearsay): udrusuna they ran away; Syn: het' hik, dandawash hik, wishirwishir hik, bizhirik.

ug dyek   

V. To irrigate; pAnI lgAnA. khẽ kai ug dyek ne abail'i? How come you were unable to irrigate? Syn: ug l'asek, jupek, sãgal'ik.

ug dyik   

V. To be irrigated; pAnI denA. nokphet'i kai aam. tal'ay ug dyik bas'. I have just made a new cultivated field, it must be irrigated.

ug l'asek   

V. To irrigate; pAnI lgAnA. Syn: ug dyek, jupek, sãgal'ik.

ug sariik   

V. To water, to salivate; mnuh me~ pAnI bxr AnA. d'rac' pashi may ashuna ug sariiu day. My mouth is watering from seeing those grapes. Syn: thog sariik.

ugabat hik   

V. To be taken away by the water (and drowned or lost); pAnI me~ DobnA. Syn: ugaroi hik. Restrict: Objects must be animate. Morph: uk‑abat hik.

ugaroi hik   

V. To be taken away by the water (and be drowned or lost); pAnI me~ bhnA. uguna atyiaw e, uk to aheraw. phato ugaroi hawaw. When he entered the water, the water took him away and he was killed. Syn: ugabat hik. Restrict: The objects of this verb can be either animate or inanimate.

ugas tyek   

V. To release water into an irrigation channel; nhr me~ pAny cxoRnA. piliwe' hawaw haw, atra day ukas tyita. When it was so rainy, they released the water from there.

ugawat waz'ĩ'ak   

N. Wagtail; pAnI ke knAro~ pr clne wAlA prndh. Gen: pac'hĩyak bird. Morph: uk awat pac'hĩyak.


N. Funeral bath. gad'a istrizhaas som kura d'ud'iu haw, ugen asta se mi. Whoever sleeps with an old lady, must also wash her when she dies (If you make your bed you have to sleep in it.)


N. Animal living near and in the water--otter or marten; pAnI me~ rhne wAlA jAnwr. Morgenstierne suggests a marten and adds that it is like a cat, black with white breast and long tail. Gen: bianaw zhandar wild animal.


V. To repair a millstone; ckI kA ptxr trASnA. a zhont ughu'ika parim day. I'm going to repair the millstone. Instr: nighon chisel.


N. Animal like a mink; pAnI me~ rhne wAlA jAnwr. Gen: bianaw zhandar wild animal.


V. To cause to gallop or run; doRAnA.


V. To run, gallop; (gxoRe kA) doRnA. hãsh ugriaw day. The horse is galloping. Actor: hãsh horse; gak cow; Past(hearsay): ugril'a he/she galloped.


V. To celebrate a fortunate event.


N. Wooden trough around grindstone where flour collects; ckI me~ ATe kI jgh. Whole: zhont, zhontr water-mill.


V. To anger, disturb; cxeRnA. trumuzhak mõ'ay gond' dyai uguz'ai aaw. He angered the wasps by poking a stick into their nest. The example is a way to stir up wasps to sting and is used as an idiom for stirring up a fight. See: ũgushek.


V. To become angry and threatened; kATne ke lee cxte se bAhr nkl AnA. Restrict: Actors are typically insects like ants and bees that can be stirred up. See: ũgushik.


V. To ache or be tired (as from over use); ckrAnA, drd krnA. may s'is' ugu'iu day. My head aches (from so much thinking). Syn: trupek. This is more like discomfort or mental fatigue. It results from heat, waking up, working, noise, too much wine etc.


N. Owl; ulo. Gen: pac'hĩyak bird.


Adj. 1 • True, morally upright; scA.

2 • Straight; sedxA. gond'ik ujak. The stick is straight. Syn: sida; Ant: khãgar.

N. Front, facing position. tasa dur dawtaras ujakuna shiaw His house is opposite the office. Variant: ujhak.

ujak karik   

V. 1 • To act truly; WHeH kAm krnA. Syn: sahi karik.

2 • To straighten; sedxA krnA.

ujak nihik   

V. To come true.


V. 1 • To repair; Txek krnA. ug o geres ne. zhontr ko ujen. Why don't you improve the flow of water! You should have repaired this mill! Things that can be repaired are zhont 'water-mill', sutr 'yarn', rajhuk 'rope'.

2 • To set a trap; (pxndA) lgAnA. Nug: ka'mka'm animal trap; grui bird traps; Syn: dharik. Variant: ujhek.


V. To pour one's grain into the hopper; dAne ckI me~ DAlnA. a ujhui aam, ticak asta kaio tu bata ujhuas. I have put my grain in; after a little while put yours in. Syn: dyek, ritek, thek. Restrict: This is a special verb used for 'pouring' in the mill only.


Adv. Surely, definitely , really; sc, yqynAaa, HqyqtAaa. ujiki e, tu al'ay paris day? Really, are you going there? Syn: wakihi.

uk zĩgak   

N. Dragonfly; kAbulI mkxI. Gen: goikk phawat'ik insect.


V. To loosen, untie, take out weaving; kxolnA. Things that can be untied or undone are things that are woven like wool dresses and rugs. Syn: bic'harik.

ukdok karik   

V. To mix by pouring from vessel to vessel; ksI mA"` ko ek brtn se dosre brtn me~ bAr bAr unDel kr mlAnA. Syn: upunik, l'o'ek, kris'nik, lat dyek, kitek, misharek, t'rikt'rikek.


Adj. 1 • Empty (without inhabitants); kxulI. moc dur histi paron onja tasi dur ukel'i shiaw. People have left their house and gone and now their house is empty.

2 • Incomplete. dur ukel'i. The house is incomplete (i.e., lacks this or that part).

ukel'i karik   

V. Leave open.


N. Cuckoo bird; ko"l. Gen: pac'hĩyak bird. See: kokd'um.

ukt'ak karik   

V. To mention. dura karikas bati kia ukt'ak ne e? Didn't they mention anything about building a house?


V. 1 • To unravel, come loose, come untied; kxulnA. pat'i ukus'i shiaw. Her cummerbund has come unraveled. kirmicani ban ukus'i shiaw. The shoelace of her shoe has come untied.

2 • To overflow from an aqueduct; ToT jAnA, kuxl jAnA. drẽ'a c'hetray ug dyek bo giran. batralak ukus'in. Sloping fields are hard to irrigate. The channels overflow. Caus: ukas'ik.


V. To gather together, mill around; 'rd grd jm` honA. shatra c'hetruna ka'ga' baw ukuti aan. A flock of crows have gathered in that field. Idiom:  may sos ukutiu day. My insides are turning over and over (that is, I feel nauseated). may hardi ukutiu day. I am worried; Syn: sariik; Actor: hardi heart; sos one's insides.

uk, ug   

N. 1 • Water; pAny. Spring water is thought by the Kalasha to be more onjes't'a 'ritually pure', than snow, and is used for washing before performing a sacrifice. If spring water is not available, snow can be used. Syn: ppru; Unit: thyap drop. See: osh gã'haba ice; thuk steam.

2 • Wine; angor kI SrAb. This is a euphemistic use of ug.

3 • Juice of fruit or vegetable; ras.


N. Class of flying things; prnde. See: -arum.

ulut' pulut' karik   

V. To turn things upside down; ulTnA plTnA. Syn: ekwã gherek.


N. The ball of yarn that feeds the weavers shuttle; dxAge kA golA. Whole: tron loom.

ul'ik gond'ak   

N. Shuttle for weaving; pxrkI kA dxAgh. Whole: tron loom; Mat'l: bis'a laburnum wood.

ul'omun pariik   

V. To be surprised. tu al'a jagai kia ul'omun para. Why are you surprised at seeing that? Syn: hayran hik, d'er hik, tajib pashik.


V. To expel, to banish someone from somewhere; gxr se nkAlnA. tu kalapat shẽhẽ his? a tay durey umbrashim. How long will you be like this? I will throw you out of the house. Restrict: The object must be animate. Syn: gond'gond'ek, bizbizay karik. Variant: umrashik.


V. 1 • To be possessed by a spirit; be Xody honA. This is used to refer to a shaman's action when possessed. During this time he will prophesy about the future.

2 • To be angry; GW:h honA. abi barnahaka khẽ ghõi umbul'i a? Why have you become angry for no reason?


N. Age, life, span of life; `mr. du bishi zhe ponj hawaw umbur, tasa pishtyaka ita shiaw. At the age of 25 it was time for him to be taken back. Proverb: driga phond, driga umur. Long path, long life. See: majar.


N. High place from which water can fall (as into a water-mill); wh jgh jhA~ se pAny nyce gre. moc umbur sawzaan. The men have made a high place from which water can fall. Create: dyek to make; sawzek to make.

umbur parik   

V. To grow old; `mr gzrnA. tus' mocay homa waway umbur paraw. daday umbur paraw. homa umbur paraw. Our grandfathers grew old in poverty. Our fathers did as well. We ourselves, as well.

umbur zhe majar   

N. Life; zndgI. Syn: zindagi.

umbur zhuk   

V. To live. se bo akhabir zhe pura umbur zhuio nas't'a. He was very old and had lived a full life and he died.


Adj. Pregnant. Syn: os'wal'i, gerasman, umetwar, uzurdar hik, dur gehen. See: halaun parik; jahitrumi.


V. To open; kxolnA. na'i umrai. Open the lock! Reversive: ban, band karik to shut; Syn: zret'hek; Onset: bã'g suddenly.


V. To open; kuxl jAnA. Caus: umrek. See: zret'hik.


Adj. Open; kxulA hoA. dur umrili. The door is open. Variant: umri.


umuru hik   

V. To quiet down, to be comforted; XAmoS honA.

umuru karik   

V. To quiet a crying or sad person; XAmoS krnA. ayas tan ku'a'ka cucu dai, umuru kariu. The child's mother nurses her child, and quiets his crying. Syn: bashar karik, dilasa karik, hardi dek, hawsala dek.

-un pariik   

Vsfx. Passive. tasa gheri bribo c'hõ'i hiu shoon, bo kesman bribo gri, kharca kar-un pariu. Until walnuts harvest comes again, walnuts will be taken and used for many purposes. onja moc sapra-un pariu day. Now men can be found (for work). Restrict: This occurs on the verb root or after the causative suffix. See: -onu hik.


Rel. 1 • To, in, on; me~. homa grom-una piliwe' thi, du bas kirik dyai, ek hast athaw. In our village it began to snow and it snowed for two days until 18 inches fell. rejis't'eri karik ghõi, d'akhana-una paromi e, d'akhana band shial'a. When we went to the Post Office to send a registered letter, it was closed. Restrict: This is used with singular things while -fv:aw is used with plural things or things that cover a relatively large area. For example, ãgaruna would mean a fire covering a small area, while ãgaraw would mean a fire covering a rather large area or several fires.

2 • For, purpose; se. kia krom-una ita ai? For what work did you come? Variant: -un occurs preceding -fv:o. Pl: -ay.

-una day   

Rel. Through. sutr sujik ecik-una day paraw. The thread went through the needle's eye.

-una dek   

Vsfx. Permission; =ne denA. ama nisi-una dek. We will let him sit down. phaw zhuuna sudayakas mo de. Don't let the child eat dirt. This phrase is suffixed to the root of the verb or the causative suffix. Syn: -una l'asek.

-una l'asek   

Vsfx. Permission; -ne denA. ama nisi-una l'asek. We will let him sit down. Restrict: This phrase is suffixed to the root of the verb or the causative suffix. Syn: -una dek.


Adv. Base, lower area; nece. Reversive: ala uphill from speaker. Restrict: This forms the root of words like undruhak and undruhalia. Variant: ondru.


Adv. Steeply descending. Ant: c'oktu, mul'o.


Adv. Downward direction; nece ko. undruhak mo uchundi. shuruas. Don't go down! You will fall. Reversive: puchumak upward direction. Morph: undru‑hak.

undruhak ik   

V. To come down; nyce AnA. Reversive: buchum parik to go up.


Adj. Descending, downhill; nece kI vrf. ia phond undruhakalia. This path goes downhill. Reversive: puchumalia ascending; Ant: c'oktu, upraili. Morph: undru‑ha‑k‑ali‑a.


N. Section of aqueduct where water enters from river; wh jgh jhA~ se pAny tqsym kyA jAtA he, nhr kA mnb`. d'aran ita zhayani urdur hai shiaw. The entrances to the aqueducts are washed away by the flood. urdur chal'ai zhay halim c'hetray hatya. After making the entrance section I'll make the aqueduct go along to the fields. Use: chal'ek to make. Variant: hundur.


V. To hang (clothes). Syn: us'ik.


Vsfx. 1 • Instrument (the instrument form of the verb). jã' drũk-uni. Walnut kernel mashing instrument. bribo bisha-uni. Walnut cracking stone. Restrict: This phrase is suffixed to the root of the verb or the causative suffix.

2 • Adjectivizer. ug rita-uni kund'ok. Container for pouring water (lit: water pouring container). Variant: -huni.


V. 1 • To pull out weeds, gather grass; ukxARnA. moc yaw mindray ug lasel, yaw khas upac'iu. A man either irrigates his fields or pulls out the weeds. Syn: uphuek, chal'ek. See: upuc'ik.

2 • To open (mouth, eyes, book, container), take a cap off a bottle; kxolnA. kitap upac'i. Open the book! Syn: bihõcek, bis'gek; Reversive: khã'ik to shut.

3 • To turn over bread baking on the fire; utArnA.


N. Spider; mkRI. Gen: goik phawat'ik insect. Variant: upal'a; phawlak Urtsun.


V. To wrap oneself; aoRnA. a zhil gri uphaam. I will wrap myself in a blanket. Instr: uphauni a blanket or cloth cover.


N. Cover for a utensil, lid; Dxkn. Dim: uphonyak place.

uphoni dyek   

V. To cover something; DxknA lgAnA, Dxkn dynA. Syn: biw dyek.

uphoni uprek   

V. To uncover something; DxknA uTxnA.

uphor dyek   

V. To celebrate over killing an enemy; dSmn ko mArne ky XoSI me~ d`ot denA. shase nashawaw moc, kakboy nashaio uphor praw. The man who killed the leopard afterward made a celebration. tal'ayo ko para? se tay zhuio nisiu. shama ghõ' kakboy nashaio uphor dikwew dyen. "Why did you go there? He (the slayer) having eaten you sits there." This song men will sing while the leopard killer is giving the feast. This involves skinning the leopard, putting the skin on a pole and dancing. It also involves feasting the village. Gen: namus merit feast.


V. To grow. prus't' khurak zhui suda upho'an. I fthe children eat good food they will grow well. Syn: badik.


V. To pull out, take off; utArnA. postani jac uphuai. Take the fur off the skin. Syn: chal'ek, upac'ik.


V. To fall out (of hair), shed; (bAl) jxRnA. pac'hĩikas pac'h uphui paron. The bird's feathers have completely fallen out. may payan jac uphui khul hawan badaik bas'. My goats' hair is finished shedding, I must cut their hair.


Adj. Steep, precipitous (ascending); cRxAI. upraili asa phon. That path is steep. Syn: puchumalia, c'oktu; Ant: undruhakalia.


N. Chakkor, quail or grouse-like bird, partridge; bTer. Gen: pac'hĩyak bird.


V. To pick up something inanimate, take up something inanimate; uTxAnA. kitap uprai gri may de. Pick up the book and give it to me! Anim: us't'ek to pick up something animate. Restrict: The object of this verb must be inanimate.


V. To rise, go up, ascend.


V. 1 • To open up, to split apart, peel up; ukxRnA. ec upuc'on, ãga hawaw. His eyes opened, and he became alert. shul'a upuc'aw. The wood split apart. Caus: upac'ik; Syn: bihõcik.

2 • To come out, emerge (of a large group or object); nklnA. biriu gand'al'una hatya saw moc upuc'i paron. All the men emerged from the valley and went to celebrate the gand'aw custom in Birir. Syn: dras'nik.


V. 1 • To kindle a fire; jlAnA. ãgar upuai. Light a fire! Syn: phus' upuek.

2 • To turn on a light; (bjly) jlAnA.


V. 1 • To burn; jlnA. ãgar upuaw day. The fire is burning.

2 • To flash, to shine brightly as though burning; cmknA. l'o'his't'as pac'h upuaw day. The pheasant's feather shines brightly. kundueyak upuaw day. The lightning bug is shining. Syn: cimikik, candrek.


V. To fly; uRnA. tsirẽ upul'iu day. The parrot is flying. Variant: uprimis Urtsun.


V. 1 • To winnow; pxTk kr dAno~ me~ se gxAs pxons aor bxosA alg krnA. moc trehã'ki gri, tus' upunin. Men take a pitchfork and throw up straw to winnow it. Instr: trehã'ki pitchfork.

2 • To mix tea or milk by pouring; (dwdx kw) ucxlnA. ku'inj gri c'hir upunin. They take a ladle and mix the milk. Syn: ukdok karik; Instr: ku'inj ladle.


V. To repay; pwrA krnA. ia dadas krom kai urtaaw. He paid his father back for his work. se tasa kada tasa hatya urtaaw. He paid him back for his work.


V. To return, come back; wAps AnA, loT AnA. Idiom: may jaa juani aci urti shiaw. My wife's youth has come back again.


N. Ururi village in Birir Valley; wAdy bryr kA ek gAo~.


V. To smother someone; sAns bnd krnA.


V. To smother; sAns bnd hwnA.


V. ???


N. Flower. sicin ushik. The flower of a jujube tree.


V. To be dislocated, be out of joint. may khur ushlui shiaw. My leg is out of joint.


V. To get soaked or drenched.


V. To persuade someone to do something against their will, entice, tempt, coerce; pxuslAnA, dxokh denA. asa moc shal'a istrizha ja karikas bati ushuphaaw. awelo ne than diman ais. That man persuaded the girl to marry him. At first she did not agree with him. This comes from Khowar and has the underlying meaning of 'causing to do wrong'. Syn: shurek, ishlagek, phirek, pinek.


V. To be persuaded (to do wrong); dxoke me~ AnA.


Adj. Short, small; cxoTA, mXtWr. Syn: tshatak, chutyak, tsan'; Ant: driga, drũgar.


V. To excite a dog to attack or fight, to sic on; uksAnA. he'ru pe on haw, shõ'a uskusai. If a thief comes, sic the dogs on him.


V. To attack someone; Hmlh krnA. shõ'a tasa hatya uskusiu day. The dog is attacking him. Restrict: The object is marked by hatya 'to'.


V. To shrink; sukRnA.


N. Dishonor, disrespect; be `zt, bd nAm. Syn: weizatu; Ant: izat.

uspuki karik   

V. To degrade someone, embarrass, shame, dishonor, despise; be `zt krnA. tu may mocan ruaw uspuki ari. You embarrassed me in front of people. Syn: direk, bey-izati karik, mukhar dek, l'ajek.


N. Bedding; bicxonA, bstr wGyrh. Syn: bistara.


N. Bed; bstr.

ustraw bat   

N. The lower grinding stone in a mill; cky kA nyce wAlA pAT. Syn: no' wat; Whole: zhont, zhontr water-mill.

ustraw karik   

V. To make a place for sleeping; bstr bcxAnA.


V. To spread out or lay down; pxelAnA, bcxAnA. Syn: biz'gek. Things like bedding or cloth can be spread out.


N. Hips; kuwlxA. Whole: jhan, jhand body.


N. A kind of wild animal with long tail, marmot; bly jtnA jngly jAnwr. Morgenstierne suggests these are marmots--"a black and red animal about the size of a cat." Gen: bherozhandar wild animal.


N. Ustui, a mountain farm of Rumbur or Bumburet; rymbwr aor bmboret wAdy ky crAgAh. There are actually two Ustui farms, one belongs to Brun in Bumburet and the other to Kalasha Grom in Rumbur. Gen: son summer pasture.


N. Acne, pimples; chre ke dAne. Syn: shot'hayak. See: paharik; tazhyan.

usuagin', usuagind'   

N. Afternoon, about 1:30-4 p.m; Grobi AftAb se phle kA wqt. Whole: basi1 day. Variant: usugin'; usuagind'a.

us' hik   

V. To become very sick and frightened; rongTe kxRe honA. This sickness makes a goat stand motionless and the hairs around its muzzle stand out.

us'etĩg hik   

V. To be badly broken. shase pay ek khurani us'etĩg thi aaw. That goat has a badly broken leg.


V. To hang something up; lTkAnA. Syn: l'apek; Past(hearsay): us'ina.


V. To leak or ooze. drẽ'a c'hetray ug dyek bo giran. batralakani ug us'iu. Sloping fields are hard to irrigate. The small channels leak water.


N. 1 • Top or upper portion of an entity; coTy, blnd drje ky jgh, ke aopr ky jgh. CPart: prago lower portion; Whole: shen bed.

2 • Pillow, cushion; srhAnh. Syn: brasni.

us'is' dyiuni   

N. Pillow; tkyh, srhAnh. Syn: brasni.

us'is' karik   

V. To pillow one's head; srxAnh bnAnA. brasni gri us'is' karim. I will pillow my head on a pillow.


N. Mustache; moncx. Syn: samlat. Variant: guchi Urtsun.


N. 1 • Lip; xonT. Whole: jhan, jhand body; Syn: us't'post.

2 • Muzzle of an animal; txotxny. Variant: us'.


N. 1 • End, corner, point; sirA, knArA. rajuk us't'ak. The end of a rope. c'het us't'ak. The corner of a field. zhay us't'ak. The end of a water channel. Syn: awatik.

2 • Beginning. us't'akani maas. Tell it from the beginning.

us't'an karik   

V. To signal with one's lips; mnh se iSArh krnA. See: ashara karik; nis'an karik; ecan karik; hastan karik.


V. 1 • To pick up something animate, cause to stand, awaken; uTxAnA, cRxAnA. suda atroaw pe haw, mo us't'ai. If the child cries, don't pick him up! Inan: uprek to pick up something inanimate. Restrict: The object of this verb must be animate. Syn: t'ĩ'ek, ãga hek, bujek.

2 • To deg a baby; jnne me~ mdd krnA.


V. 1 • To climb, to ascend, stand up; cRxnA, uTxnA. dhentauna us't'im. I will climb up into the mountain. Syn: puchum parik; Reversive: uchundik, drak dek to descend; Onset: pat quickly; d'az quickly.

2 • To get up out of bed or from a lying down position; bstr se bAxr AnA. Reversive: dhrak dek to lie down.

3 • Wake up; jAgnA. Syn: bujik.


N. Lip; lb, hwnT. Syn: us't'.


N. Rock salt; nmk kA ptxr.


N. Mud bricks.


N. Tax.


utã' karik   

V. To dance for a funeral.


Adj. Incorrectly.


V. To tear; pxARnA. Syn: udhal'ik.


V. To feel cold (in hands or feet); srdI mHsos krnA, srdI lgnA. baza utraan. My hands felt cold.


V. To split, tear apart; pxTnA. ia shul'a utrukiu. rha shul'a ne utrukiu. This wood splits. Cedar wood does not. Syn: udhul'ik; Caus: utrakik.


N. Spring; cSmh. utsani ug. Spring water.


N. A man who is naturally circumcised.


N. Spring water; cSme kA pAnI. utsani ugas kay, utsok ghoan. They call water from a spring, utsok.


N. Resident of Urtsun; urswn kA rhne wAlA. Variant: utsundi.

utsun', utsund'   

N. Urtsun valley south of Birir; ctrAl ky ek wAdy. This is near Drosh where the southern dialect of Kalasha is still spoken. Resident: utsundia resident of Urtsun.


N. Camel; UnT. Gen: l'otpõgi class of large-legged animals.


V. 1 • To lift an animal over a barrier; pAr krAnA.

2 • Cause or enable to jump; cxlAng lgwAnA.


V. 1 • To jump or leap, to jump over something; cxlAng lgAnA.

2 • To pop (of popcorn), to jump out (of sparks); cxlAng lgAnA, uRnA. dhan ut'ikaw day. The corn is popping.

3 • To attack someone. ek thi te tyikas bati tasa hatya ut'ikil'a. They together attacked in order to hit him.

ut'ikikan bat   

N. Stepping stones; cxlAng lgAne kA ptxr.


V. 1 • To throw away, throw out, spill; grAnA, unDelnA. gozdum uzaki. Throw out the trash! Idiom: uk uzakio im. I will relieve myself and come back (lit: having scattered water I will come).

2 • To scatter, to sow; bkxyrnA, bonA. Syn: uc'harik.


Adj. Spilled; girAyA hoA. tasa uzakil'a c'hir. The milk which he spilled.

uzhat karik   

V. 1 • To warnn.

2 • To order, command; tAkyd krnA. a to uzhat kai kalam onika huti ais. I ordered him to bring me pen. Syn: hokum dek, amur karik, takit karik.


V. To injure, hurt; coT lgAnA, cwT AnA. baza pe uzhluhai aini haw, mum khas'an. If they have injured their arms, they rub them with beeswax.


V. To get injured, hurt; cwT lgnA. may baza uzhluhi shiaw. I injured my arm. This kind of injury is quite serious such as dislocation or bruising.


V. To bid goodbye to a deceased person or to a deity.


N. Pick with a short handle; kudAl. asa uzhu'i gri kociu day. He's digging with a pick. This is typically used by women for cultivating. Use: no'hon karik to hoe, cultivate; kocik to dig; Gen: aspap tools. Category: Tools, farm.


N. Cricket; jxengr. Gen: goik phawat'ik insect; Sound: bashik to chirp, sing.


V. To spill (of liquid or dry goods); (pAnI aor dAne wGerh kA) gir jAnA. c'hir uzukaw. The milk spilled. Proverb: c'hir pe uzukaw haw, ne c'hiriki, ne c'hirguli. If the milk is spilled, we cannot get it back (lit: If the milk is spilled it is neither chicken nor chicks); Caus: uzakik.


Adj. Spilled; gire hoe. phushak uzukuna c'hir zhu day. The cat is drinking the spilled milk. Variant: uzukina.


N. Peace, well-being. a uzuruna aam. I am well. uzuruna pari. Go without rushing!

uzur karik   

V. 1 • To take it easy, quiet down, relax; ArAm krnA. uzur kai nisi, ko paris day. Take it easy, sit down, why are you going?

2 • To make a request. a tay kay uzur karim day, may mon kõ' kari. I am asking you to obey me.

uzurdar hik   

V. To become pregnant; Hml se hwnA. se uzurdar thi aaw. She has become pregnant. Syn: granu, gerasman, ometwar, dur gehen, os'wal'i hik. See: halaun parik; jahitrumi.


Adj. Peace, well-being; amn, skwn, Xyryt. kia no'a mon la baya? hish kia ne, uzuri. Any new news brother? Not a bit, everything's fine. Syn: aphiat, arami, sukun, suklat, aman, sarajami, khayr.

uz' hik   

V. 1 • To be afraid. a bihi may cawar uz' hawan. A was so afraid that my hair stood on end.

2 • To be angry. kia uz' his day? Why are you so angry?


V. To cause to be drunk, dizzy.


V. To be drunk.


V. To anger or excite men; GW:h dlAnA. Restrict: Objects are always human. See: uguz'ek.


V. To get angry and excited; GW:h honA. Restrict: Humans are the actors.


V. To be angry; GW:h krnA, GW:e me~ AnA. aj adua tay hatya kia thi shiaw haw, hẽka ũgushas day. Today something has happened and you are staying angry all the time. abi ko barnahak ũgusha day? Why do you get angry for nothing?


V. To chip a millstone to repair it; cky kA ptxr trASnA. a zhontr u'guika parim day. I'm going to repair the millstone. Instr: nighon chisel.